Individual Speech Therapy:
Individual speech therapy is one-to-one therapy. The therapist customizes therapy activities to meet a child's specific goals and objectives. Therapy activities and materials are carefully selected in order to maximize therapy outcomes and increase a child's motivation
Group Speech Therapy:
Our speech group is a language-rich program that fosters a child's vocabulary, semantic, grammar, social-communicative, social, and cognitive skills. The program is designed to follow monthly themes for children to easily learn new vocabulary and improve functional communication.
School Aged Program:
This program provides school-aged children with individualized and up-to-date therapy. Our ultimate goal is to promote communicative success as well as social skills to maximize each child's speech and language potential. Therapy approaches are geared toward achieving highly personalized therapy goals in order to meet individual needs and priorities. Therapy goals are frequently reviewed and modified throughout the course of therapy by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist to maximize results, and parents/caregivers are always informed of goals and carry-over home activities by therapists.
Multilingual Therapy Services:
This program provides evaluation as well as treatment services in a child's home language, as needed. The language services we currently provide include: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese. Most children benefit from services in English, as English is used in the school setting. However, for children under the school-age who have only been primarily exposed to their home language(s), bilingual evaluation in their primary language as well as English may more accurately assess actual language skills. Follow-up bilingual treatment is also available, upon parents' request. All programs, including Birth-Three, School-aged program, and Autism Spectrum Program are available for bilingual evaluation as well as treatment